Yami - Foods & Restaurant WordPress theme
og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

Yami is a clean and modern WordPress theme dedicated to Cafes & Restaurants or any food-related business website that needs an online reservation function. Was built with Elementor drag & drop page builder, creating an online station for your restaurant will never be easier. Yami comes with a variety of highly flexible elements that are great for representational purposes and for showcasing every aspect of your business.
And, Yami also includes these features:
- Live Drag & Drop Elementor Page Builder
- Fully Responsive
- Retina Optimized
- Tested on real devices
- Advanced Admin Panel
- Multiple Headers
- Sticky Headers
- Post Formats
- Website Layouts, Boxed, Boxed Attached & Wide
- Sidebar Generator with Unlimited Sidebars
- Advanced Blog
- WPML compatibility
- CSS3 Animations
- Extensive documentation
- Premium Support
- WooCommerce support
- Revolution Slider - Worth $19 included for FREE
- Icon Packs, Font Awesome IcoMoon & 1600 Vector Icons - Worth $59 included for FREE
- True One Click Demo Import
- Advanced Portfolio
- Social Links
- Inbuilt Contact Form
- Custom Post Types
- Clean & Commented Code
- Customizable Background; Color, Image, Video; Parallax
- AJAX Search
- Unlimited Layouts
- Shortcode Generator
- Advanced Typography
- Google Fonts plus 500+ Font families available
- Multiple Title Bar Layout
- Custom Shortcodes
- Custom Widgets
- Page Templates
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Quick & Easy Installation & Setup
- Custom CSS Ready
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Google Maps
- WordPress 6.x Ready
- Top-Notch Support
- Side Navigation
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
- WordPress Multi-site Tested
- Advanced Google optimizations
- No monthly costs or subscriptions
- Intuitive & Easy to use
- Built on a rock-solid framework
- Professional support
v1.2.4 + Remove post-container-background + Prevent JS conflict from happening with the pages already loaded under logged users + Woocommerce template files update + Added item hover controls in the product grid widget + Fixed collapse gap issue in the post-grid widget + Fixed translation issue + Fixed Portfolio Gallery widget filter issue v1.2.3 + Gradient Backgrounds on SVG's drawn Transparent since the latest updates + Disabling the Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect + Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance + Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched v1.2.2 + Fixed Custom Heading element + Fixed editor works properly with Flex Slider + Fixed row and column editing options + Fixed Frontend Drag and drop function for rows + Updated Woocommerce template files + Fixed Minor styling issues v1.2.1 + PHP8 undefined variables warning issue fixed + Undefined issue fixed in Custom Carousel widget + Cache issue fixed in Instagram widget + Badge color issue fixed in WC product widget + Backdrop filter extension improved + Dual button alignment improved v1.2.0 + Added new Elementor Header & Footer builder + Icon position bottom option added in advanced icon box widget + Item box shadow option added in custom gallery widget + Alignment issue fixed in social share widget + Lazy loading compatibility fixed + Slide image cover not working issue fixed in Slider widget + Responsiveness improved + Sample content updated v1.1.2 + Fixed Advanced Transition fails if the HTML5 video is from third-party domain + Fixed Carousel scaling is wrong in certain PHP environment settings + Fixed Box shadow does not render full opacity v1.1.1 + Fixed the missing font issue v1.1.0 + Fixed a few minor issues + Fixed Auto-mapper deprecation notice + Fixed Stretched row in WordPress default themes + Fixed Post grid + Plugins updated v1.0.5 + Changing slider dimensions is not possible if the external URL is empty + Added internal hook for manipulating layer positions + Minor Issue fixed in WC Products widget + Target link issue fixed in Static Carousel v1.0.4 + Fixed Scroll to ID doesn’t work correctly + Fixed the video’s unworking button + Filter for changing heading tag added v1.0.3 + Filter for changing heading tag added + Frontend editor initialization works properly + URLs updated to HTTPS v1.0.2 + Masked input issue fixed + Latest WordPress & Woocommerce version compatible + Sample content updated v1.0.1 + Dropdown menu issue fixed + Woocommerce template files updated + Plugins updated + JS conflict issue fixed v1.0.0 + Release
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