Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 80

Created: Feb 24, 2017

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

ID: 61251

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 1Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 2Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 3Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 4Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 5Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 6Hypernova - Store Multipurpose Minimal Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 7

Create a catchy website for your wholesale online store with this well-documented and SEO-friendly theme! A fully responsive clean design will focus customers on your products, while a cool Banner Grid widget will help you to present all offers and promotions in a stylish way and up to 6 trendy banners at the same time! A large number of versatile Product Badges will help you to make each item look special, while star rating and crossed pricing will make all products look reliable and popular. A powerful Wishlist & Compare plugin allows you to take your online store on top! Every customer can lay aside necessary items and compare them to find the best ones. Showcase your best selling appliances with elegance using a Product Carousel, and let your customers check all their purchases without relaunching the site’s pages with a drop-down cart. Shopping has never been that enjoyable with this wholesale shop theme!


Update (December 12, 2018) - Updated WordPress to 5.0; - WooCommerce 3.5.1 updated; - Elementor Page Builder added; - Best Elementor WooCommerce Addon JetWooBuilder added; - Best Elementor Addon; - JetElements added;

3 Reviews for this product

This multipurpose store template was everything i needed for my shop. I struggled to hide the sidebars on some pages, but with the assistance of Template og体育首页s live chat agents, we sorted the problem quickly. Thank you!
Excelente plantilla, fácil manejo, me encanta la interfaz, recomendada
Leggero e veloce usato per un cliente che faceva vestiario, molto bene tutto

1 Comments for this product

desidero sapere se supporta l'€ (Euro) nelle modalità di pagamento. e se il contenuto del pannello di controllo e solo in inglese. inoltre è possibile duplicare il sito in varie lingue? grazie
Gentile Signore.Grazie per la sua domanda! Prima di tutto, vorrei chiedere di che template si tratta, siccome diverse piattaforme e corrispondemente modelli funzionano nel modo diverso. La chiederei anche' vivamente di entrare nella nostra live chat http://chat.template-help.com per i chiarimenti ulteriori e l'assistenza.

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4.6 /5
Support rating (1281 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 1099 4 57 3 16 2 9 1 100
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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