ESHOP | Modelo de painel de administração de comércio eletrônico Bootstrap 5

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shoppingBag Vendas: 1


Criado: 3 de mar. de 2022

Atualizado : 18 de jan. de 2024

Identificação: 232474

og体育首页ONE - Downloads Ilimitados por $12.40/mês

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ESHOP | Modelo de painel de administração de comércio eletrônico Bootstrap 5 - Features Image 1

ESHOP é o modelo de painel de administração de comércio eletrônico desenvolvido com base na popular estrutura Bootstrap 5.1.3. O conceito de design para Ecommerce Admin é baseado no design da UI do Bootstrap e finalmente surge com um design limpo e organizado. Ele é construído sobre o popular Bootstrap Framework. Além disso, vem com vários plug-ins de terceiros, widget reutilizável e muito mais…


Painel de administração de comércio eletrônico Bootstrap 5

Construído com Bootstrap 5.1.3

Design super limpo

Ícones de linha

Componentes de IU do Bootstrap 5 estendidos

Ícones de design de materiais

Editor de formulário (Quill JS)

Mais de 30 páginas HTML

Modo claro e escuro

Suporte HTML5 Flexbox

Páginas HTML incluindo:






Bater papo







Redefinir senha







Ícones de linha

Ícones de design de materiais

Elementos de formulário

Layout do formulário


Editor de formulário (Quill JS)

Validação de formulário

Tabela Básica

Tabela Responsiva

Tabela de dados responsivos

Gráfico JS

Gráfico Apex


Registro de alterações

ESHOP is the Ecommerce admin panel template which built on top of the popular framework Bootstrap 5.1.3. Concept of design for Ecommerce Admin is based on the Bootstrap UI design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework. Besides that, it is bundled with a lot of third party plugins, reusable widget and much more

  1. On dashboard page we showing the New Orders, Total Income, Total Expenses, New Users.

If you want to change the above things open index.html then edit the file.

  1. Next we showing Yearly Stats, Sales/Revenue, Sales by State, Sales Forecast, Traffic chart with the help of a Chart JS on dashboard.

If you want to change the above things open index.html then edit the file.

  1. Next we showing Top Selling Products with the help of table on dashboard.

If you want to change the above things open index.html then edit the file.

  1. Next we showing Monthly Calendar with the help of a Full Calendar JS on dashboard.

If you want to change the above things open index.html then edit the file.

  1. Next we showing Top Search, Notifications, Messages, and Profile Menu on all pages.

If you want to change the above things open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we showing Sidebar for Menu on all pages.

If you want to change the sidebar menu open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we showing Settings Icon on right side in fixed position for theme change on all pages.

If you want to change the Settings icon open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we showing Footer on bottom of the page on all pages.

If you want to change the Footer open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we use a Bootstrap 5 on all pages for columns, rows, containers.

If you want to change the Bootstrap open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we use a Line Icons on all pages.

If you want to change the Line Icons open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we use a Quill Editor v1.3.6

If you want to change the Line Icons open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we use a Vanilla Data Tables

If you want to change the Data Tables open all .html files then edit the files.

  1. Next we use Main.css for custom css changes on all pages

If you want to change the Main.css open css folder then main.css file then edit the file.

  1. Next we use Main.js for custom js changes on all pages

If you want to change the Main.js open js folder then main.js file then edit the file.

January 5, 2024: I have added discount on product.

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Tópicos Relacionados:

Design e Fotografia, Design


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General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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