Lilenn - Modern többcélú vállalati és magazin Elementor Wordpress téma
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
#13-09-2023 GLP license is not include in the product.
#04-07-2020 Lilenn megazine theme::
- Lilenn megazine theme design change.
- Section image change.
- Design color change.
- Featured Videos section background color change.
- Overlay color change.
- Header-two design change.
- Theme drak mode text color change.
- Responsive issu solved.
- Footer widget design change.
Lilenn Corporate theme::
- Lilenn corporate theme design Added( 8 page).
- 8 pages and New 16 unique section:
- about-one section.
- about-service section.
- about-three section.
- about-two section.
- brand section.
- contact section.
- contact-text section.
- contact-with section.
- count section.
- cp-service section.
- pricing section.
- project section.
- service2 section.
- skill section.
- team section.
- testimonial section.
- Drak mode text color changed.
- Responsive some design solved.
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