Innovációs kreatív PPT tervezőügynökség PowerPoint sablonhoz

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Innovációs kreatív PPT tervezőügynökség PowerPoint sablonhoz

Created: 2018. jan. 9.

Updated: 2018. jan. 9.

ID: 66797

Változási napló

Innovation v1.1 (01 October, 2018):The light version of the PowerPoint template was designed. Now you can choose one of two color schemes for your presentation.

3 Reviews for this product

Clean design working on integrating it now. Looking forward to presenting with this template.
The slides I've got with this presentation are well-structured and as I see they were created by truly professionals. I have used the template to create a presentation of my marketing business for the partners. It looks impressive!
The best PPT template I was able to find on the internet. Perfectly fits all my needs. Will be waiting for new templates from you guys!

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